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$15.00 / Sold Out


BTST098 is a doozy and a first for BTST!

I want to welcome you the BR00TAL SUMMER SPLIT! This is a 12 way split between some of the best MySpace deathcore revival bands coming up in the scene!

Let’s start from the beginning shall we?
Deathcore had been a huge part of my life since the last 20 years. It’s a genre that I connected with instantly and never let go. Since the first time I stumbled upon Suffokate and Dead Will Rise in the early 2000’s the flood gates were open. I distinctly remember listening to those 2 bands off of the MySpace player and thinking “wow i didn’t think music could get this heavy”

Fast forward to 2017 when the revival started to pick up in terms of CD / Merch collecting that the love for the MySpace era of music was coming back with some bands popping up here and there. Now on 2024 we have tons of young bands popping up reviving the old sound. I know I can speak for the older crowd that we all love and appreciate these second wave of deathcore kids mimicking the old sound we grew up loving, I know for a fact it pleases me with no end.

This 12 way split is a love letter to not only the old scene from the 2000’s but also to the new crop of kids coming out and forming “MySpace sounding deathcore”. With this split I want to give my thanks to these bands and share their music with everyone and in hopes they get more exposure with this release! Some of these kids weren’t even alive back then, it’s truly amazing! So I want to say is THANK YOU to the old heads who stuck around and made labels like mine thrive and also THANK YOU to the new generation of kids bringing it back.

These split CD’s are limited to 100 hand numbered copies worldwide.