Todays announcement is the heavyweights CRUSHER DESTROYER!
Hailing from Colorado, these guys brought the heavy, then vanished a few years later. Not much online about them unless you spend time sifting through the Mastodon song titled the same. These guys are a deep cut from the MySpace days. Luckily I found them back then going down a rabbit hole of Top 8’s! Always a top jam I added to many mix CD’s I made for car rides with friends.
These guys will scratch that itch for the mid 2000’s deathcore. Heavy guitars, neck crushing breakdowns, Br00tal
vocals, and a short lifespan with only 4 songs to their name. A 4 song demo that still holds up to this day 14 years later.
Artwork was done none other then the man, the myth, the legend Keith Carlson. I used to have their banner on my MySpace profile & with the help of “The Wayback Machine” website we found it and took the inspiration of the saw/barbed wire & ran with that! Love the colour scheme.