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$15.00 / Sold Out

BTST090 is up and comers DON’T FEAR THE END

these guys are unique as they bring their own blend of deathcore/metalcore with their EP titled Clipped Wings & Wilted Roses.

Weather you’re a fan of deathcore or metalcore these guys will turn your head. Vocals are high with the odd low thrown in to keep you guys satisfied. Musically these guys are a more melodic side of deathcore almost to the extent of a heavier Drop Dead Gorgeous or other metalcore band especially with the panic chords that DFTE use. Don’t let the last sentence scare you away as they do bring the heavy with some good sized breakdowns!

FFO: A Stained Glass Romance, Seneca, heavier Drop Dead Gorgeous.

This is a very cool release that fits the BTST format but also offers up something a little different that I think you all will enjoy! On the fence? Feel free to jam it on the BTST Bandcamp!

Limited to 100 hand numbered copies but 30 will be going to the band for shows.